Tampa, FL
Mon Feb 24, 11:30 - 1:30 AM
Feb 26, 11:15 - 12:30 AM
Join us for our 1st meeting gathering session of our Spring Book Clun cohort. this session is for meeting Event host(s), going over expectations & agreement discussion, and picking up book selection: "The Power Of Positive Thinking" by Norman Vincent Peale.
🟣 Suggested: whatever you may use to jot down notes & ideas relating to reading selection to raise in discussion. Bring: your own drink + snacks (option to buy items at the Capital One Café - 50% off beverage items when you use your CapitalOne card).
‼️☆ COMPLIMENTARY parking @ Hyde Park Village - there are 3 garages. Or you may pay-to-park on the street. We'll meet at the Café in one of the reserved "Communty Rooms" (in the back).