The Phoenix
The Phoenix

Sky Recovery Speaker Meeting

Apr 29, 10:30 - 11:30 PM • Live Stream


60 min


All Levels





About the event

Join us each week as a speaker with long-term sobriety shares on a topic, quote or reading that has contributed to their recovery. Includes a live guided meditation led by a trained meditation facilitator and sharing, afterwards.

Partnership details

SKY Recovery offers programs to reduce stress and develop leaders and communities that are resilient, responsible and inspired. We believe that everyone deserves a chance at rebuilding their lives, free from addiction. The mission of the SKY Recovery Program is to teach skills that reduce stress, heal trauma and provide practical knowledge of how to handle negative emotions and cravings. Through evidence-based therapies, we aim to foster resilience, promote holistic physical and mental health that lead toward lasting sobriety. The core of our training program is SKY (Sudarshan Kriya Yoga) a breath-based meditation technique designed to assist individuals in addiction recovery, reduce stress, improve mental well-being and promote emotional balance. Recognizing stress and emotional dysregulation as underlying factors in addiction, the program provides tools and techniques for stress management, anxiety reduction, and emotional regulation. This empowers participants to develop healthier coping mechanisms and decreases the risk of relapse. The program fosters a supportive community environment, allowing participants to connect with others who understand their experiences. TO ensure sustainable recovery, the program offers ongoing support, resources, follow-up sessions, and guidance. This assists participants in integrating the practices and tools learned into their daily lives, promoting long term well-being. Weekley SKY Recovery introductory meetings on The Phoenix App will include powerful breathing practices, a guided meditation, subject matter readings and an inspirational guest speaker.

Event instructor

Phoenix Partner

Phoenix Partner
